MIMS Drugs4dent

A Digital Medicines Resource for Dental Health Specialists

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What's New

Succinct, Dental Relevant Information

A tailored medicines resource for dental practitioners & oral health specialists
Drugs4Dent Dental Specific Information

Dental specific Medicine Information

Concise information supporting oral health specialists enabling safer use of medicines.

Drugs4Dent Towards Safer Prescription

Safer Prescribing

Up-to-date relevant information on prescription, over-the-counter and complementary medicines.
Drugs4Dent Clinical Decision

Clinical Decision Support

Information on medication-related effects and risks that can affect dental treatments.

Medicine Interaction Checker

Rapid access to primary evidence-based information on medicine interactions, contraindications with other medicines of interest or patient’s allergic profile.

Pregnancy & Lactation Guide

Recommendations on potentially unsafe medications during pregnancy and lactation for safer prescribing.

Dosage Guidelines

Easy-to-use tool to assist with dosage recommendations especially paediatric dosing for dental indications.

Drugs4Dent Patient Education

Patient Education

Patient-friendly information on appropriate use of antibiotics for specific dental scenarios.